
Mindful Motherhood Trainings

For pregnant women and new mothers to reduce stress and anxiety, improve emotion regulation, encourage healthy behaviors and self–care, and enhance attachment/bonding between mothers and their infants, even when stressors and emotional challenges are present.

The goals of MMT for pregnant women and new mothers are to:

• Reduce stress and improve stress coping

• Reduce negative affect and mood disturbance, during pregnancy and post–partum

• Increase positive affect

• Improve emotion regulation

• Enhance healthy bonding/attachment with the baby

• Enhance parenting and relationship capacities and skills

• Encourage healthy self–care behaviors, such as good nutrition, utilization of prenatal care, and an active

   lifestyle during pregnancy.

Adapted from Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness–Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), MMT was developed as an eight–week course for pregnant women and new mothers. Participants attend a two–hour group session once a week and are asked to engage in home practice on the days between sessions.

Mari Mandala Trainings for Mental Health Professionals

I offer Professional workshops and trainings in the Mari ® Card Test© (Mandala Research Instrument) created by Joan Kellogg, MA, ATR. This is a Jungian based assessment protocol based on archetypal symbols. Live and on line trainings are available. Please contact me for details.

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